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Samples service

Simply request samples of ZOLLNER products with no commitment to buy. To make it easier for you to coordinate colours or so that you can feel the material and be convinced about the quality of the items you have selected.

We will be happy to send you sample cards of the original materials.

Original samples of products are also available for you to look at for 6 weeks.

For products which you are keeping or which you need for washing tests we ask you to pay for the sample invoice quoting the invoice number.

Our advisor will also gladly come to your place of business for a non-binding consultation and presentation of our products .

Sample collection service

We will collect the supplied samples from you again at no charge by parcel service.
Simply give us a call on +49 (0) 8741-306 21 and tell us on which day and where we should collect the sample returns. Please let us know the number of parcels to be collected.

Goods returned carriage forward will not be accepted.